
Siding Contractor
in Indianapolis
Few home improvements can pay for themselves the way new siding can. Siding is your home’s first defense against wind, hail and rain. It acts as a barrier to shed the elements down and away from your home as well as add to the curb appeal. ABC Roofing has expertise to help you choose the right siding products that will increase the value, improve the look and protect your home from the weather.
When it comes to the durability, appearance, value and quality of your home we don’t compromise on the siding. We use LP Smartside Trim and Siding, a beautiful, durable product that is easy to maintain and comes with an industry leading 50yr warranty that protects against termites, structural defects, fungal decay and hail.
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ABC Roofing Proudly Offers LP Engineered Wood siding
As the most durable siding on the market, engineered wood combines the aesthetics of real wood with engineered wood strand technology for superior durability. Withstanding the passage of time, it’s a great choice for versatile applications.

We Have Multiple Siding
Options to Meet Your Needs
Engineered Wood vs. Vinyl Siding

Engineered Wood vs. Fiber Cement
Fiber cement looks nice and is considered fairly durable, however painting and installation can be difficult. The product is extremely brittle and prone to cracking during installation and even after it is installed when hit with hail or other projectiles.

Engineered Wood vs. Traditional Wood
Traditional wood offers aesthetic charm, but it is prone to durability challenges associated with a naturally biodegradable material. It can be subject to damage from moisture and termites that leads to rotting and warping. It also requires frequent painting or staining.