During the COVID-19 outbreak, the safety of our customers and employees is our highest priority. According to Executive Order 20-8, laid out by Gov. Holcomb on 3/23/2020, construction and building trades have been deemed essential businesses.
We will remain open during the 'Stay at Home Order' and operating at limited capacity. In order to keep our team and customers at minimal risk, we are following strict guidelines laid out by the CDC.
Limited Capacity/Risk Reduction:
> No Contact Appointments- Our sales team is prohibbited from entering homes or businesses for an estiamte. Appointments that require access to the inside of a structure will be rescheduled after April 7th.
> Our sales/office staff are prohibited from shaking hands or having any physical contact with customers and to stand at least 6 feet away during an appointment
> Hand sanitizer is being provided to our team with field instructions for use
> We're encouraging our customers not to have contact with our reps while onsite and to discuss questions via phone or email. If they choose to have contact, we ask they follow the same guidelines set forth by the CDC.
We're commited to the well being of our team and community. It is certain there will be tough times ahead for many and our thoughts and prayers go out to you all. Please, stay safe and if you need us, we're here.
