Many think that damage to your roof can only occur when hail is present during a storm. This is a common misconception. High winds can cause shingles to lift and curl by damaging the seal that holds them together. This leaves your roof vulnerable to the elements such as wind driven rain causing interior damage and damage to your roof deck over time.
Outside edges and corners of the structre are more vulnerable to higher wind pressures than the mid sections of the roof. Typically, this is where wind damage begins. Anywhere roofing materials are slightly loose, wind can get below and push up, giving the wind more to grab onto over time, creating a peeling effect. Wind damage may start small and continue to grow, over time, through repeated wind exposure and if let go long enough could compromise the integrity of your roofing system, ultimately requiring you to replace the roof.
How to tell if you have wind damage and need to contact a Roofing expert?
1. Perform a visual inspection. Walk the yard and look for downed tree limbs, noticeably missing or loose shingles, large debris on your roof or in the yard that may have come in contact with your roof, missing or damaged roof vents.
2. Is there any water coming into the interior of your home? Check skylights for damage or leaks.
3. Get in your attic. Do you notice any daylight or damp areas to your roofs decking?
If at any time you feel that you have experienced damage due to high winds, contact a reputable roofing professional to perform an inspection. ABC Roofing offers services such as this to aid home owners in determining what steps they should take. Contact us today for an honest, comprehensive assessment.